As of January 5, more than 3Bn iPhone apps had been downloaded - 18 months since intro of app store -- 77 countries -- 100MM+ apps available. (
1Bn apps downloaded between September 28th and January 5th alone, i.e., within 3 months! (
There are predictions that the Android will have 150MM applications by the end of 2010. (January 2010)
300 million Americans have some kind of wireless device. (December 2, 2009 - CEO of Verizon Wireless via Ad Age podcast)
Apple was the first company to market its device in some kind of meaningful way. Up until that point, wireless devices were typically marketed by the wireless carriers. It was during that period that Verizon focused nearly exclusively on its "Can You Hear Me Now?" campaign. Once Apple broke this barrier, consumers started to choose networks based on devices rather than coverage. Verizon Wireless then turned its attention away from the coverage message. However, in the last few months, Verizon has introduced the "We've Got a Map for That" campaign, which I personally think is extremely witty - particularly as someone who has suffered as an iPhone user who had to make the switch to AT&T and has nostalgic feelings for my old network, i.e., Verizon. This, together with the Google Android phone will begin a new chapter in this story so stay tuned.
Personally, I am sticking with the iPhone because (a) there are 100,000 apps - though, really, how many of those do I use? This question echos the fact that although I have up to 1,000 digital television channels, I watch only a handful on a regular basis. Still I do like to know the other TV networks are available to me should I need them (b) as someone in digital media I must use an iPhone or iTouch to stay in touch, and the iPhone is far superior (c) I have nearly two years left on my contract with AT&T (d) I love the Apple stores, and there is one that opened up 7 blocks from my apartment (e) There are a LOT of things I like about the iPhone and its operating system and intrinsic applications. (December 2, 2009 - opening thoughts based on CEO of Verizon comments on Ad Age podcast)
There are now more than 100,000 iPhone applications (November 16, 2009)
6 out of 7 people do not have a smart phone. This offers a potential market for the just released Twitter-only device that taps into local cell phone networks with no monthly fee (New York One - November 5, 2009)

BusinessWeek reports that there are 1 million mobile applications across 12 mobile application stores, i.e., there are 15MM non iPhone apps and 11 non-Apple application stores (October 23, 2009 - BusinessWeek Behind the Cover Story podcast: The Apps Economy)
100MM people are registered in the iTunes store. 70% (confirm) are in the U.S. (Matt Blank, October 14, 2009)
Showtime keeps a very high split of each dollar spent on a Showtime series purchased on iTunes. (Higher than what Kliavkoff reported for NBC a few years ago.) CEO Matt Blank is thrilled that consumers beyond the network's 17MM subscribers now have access to their programming - for monetary purposes, branding benefits, and word of mouth marketing. Showtime does not monetize programming in the same way as non-premium networks that run advertising. A good Showtime program builds the Showtime brand, which then drives subscription revenue. Showtime was once criticized for this single source of revenue model, but it seems to be serving the network well in these challenging times, particularly given the outstanding lineup of distinctively Showtime original programming. (based talks by Matt Blank, October 14, 2009 and George Kliavkoff, June 15, 2007)
Less than one week after introduction Apple had already sold 1 million iphone 3GS (June 23, 2009)
I had heard that there were 100K iPhone applications (as you report) ... but just a few days ago saw an iPhone television commercial that touted that there were 75K apps. Apparently, traditional marketing can't keep up with the pace of reality.
Great stats by the way.
The 100,000 number is based on the iPhone commercial I saw tonight. I guess they need to update their voiceovers on the older creative.
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